Labeling fermented beverages might save consumers from fraud-play

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John Tung Foundation has revealed that fermented drinks formulated in Taiwan are reported to be high in sugar and low in dairy and lactic acid content. Facts provided by the reports claim that the fermented drinks contain 36g of added sugar in a 200ml drink.

The point that is made in the report is that the probiotics and the benefits of probiotics in the yogurt drinks have boosted sales of dairy-based beverages in the market and the absence of those bacteria leaves the drink worse than any other carbonated beverage.

Dairy beverages are formulated to cater to the health needs of individuals, federal guidelines should formulate strict label regulations for the yogurt drinks so that the consumers are sure of the amount of bacteria and the amount of sugar they are consuming.

The low-cal labels containing high doses of sugar should be scrapped from the supermarket shelves and only those yogurt drinks with live bacteria should be made available to the consumers. The yogurt drink market is slowly coming-up appealing consumers with its nutritional profile, and the presence of irresponsible dairy beverage manufacturers can affect the sales of one of the leading and vital beverages of the country.

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