Lettuce to follow suite of tainted spinach

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Lettuce has followed the case of tainted spinach, after the reported rumors of lettuce being the source of another E coli outbreak in Hamilton and Sadbury regions of Ontario, Canada. Facts provide that doubts regarding the E Coli outbreak from lettuce contamination had been in air since September 20, but was hidden from general public due to lack of test reports or investigations.

Moreover, Canadian Food Inspection Agency claims that the lab demonstrations do not show any connection between the E coli outbreak and the consumption of lettucetaking into account the food to date of the green leaf. Therefore, the possibility of recalling bagged lettuce from supermarket shelves is presently withheld by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

However, it is equally dicey to conclude that the E Coli outbreak might not be from lettuce, for the very reason that eastern Ontario has recently witnessed an E Coli case from spinach. There are chances that the contamination of lettuce might be from spinach sources.

If the outbreak source is proven to be from lettuce then there are chances that consumers take a serious turn towards the farm fresh vegetables or take their green leaves from their trusted local vegetable seller. As far as the diners are concerned they will have difficulty in finding more substitutes to the most eaten green leaf after spinach.

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