
10 Solar Products For An Eco-friendly Home

Solar energy is increasingly gaining currency owing to its inexhaustibility and cost-effectiveness. Moreover, its biggest calling card is that it is eco-friendly and unlike fossil fuels, solar energy actually helps in decreasing the greenhouse gas…

Mother-Tongue Influence in English Language

“Rain is falling” – On what is it falling??“I’m coming to home” – I’m going home would sound much better, eh? “I speak in English”- Is English a room or something??!
“Speak on your favorite person” – Omigosh!Standing on your…

Wedded to The Olive Green!

Wedded to the Olive Green!

Yes Iam –the lady wife of a soldier in the “brassoed”armour! And do I love it ?-Yes I do , would never want it any other way.

Nine years ago , I married my childhood sweetheart , who at two years of service was a…

A Salute to Women of the World

She is a daughter..she is a sister…she is a wife…she is a mother…she is a WOMAN

She has been stuck up in the kitchen for ages, cooking for her family, sacrificing what rightfully is her’s, before she has come out of the closet stood out of…

Reading Widens Horizons

There was a time when letters used to travel around the world under the wings of a pigeon. Letter bearers ran from pillar to post carrying notes from kingdom to kingdom. But time has changed the way things happen. From pigeon to post box and that…

Shopping Spree At Charminar

Welcome to Laad bazaar or Chudi bazaar, the stores of which stock up the souvenirs of Hyderabad, Bangles. Every visitor to the city would love to stroll through the gallis around Charminar, where one would find lots of interesting wares of the vendors…

The New Cardboard Boat Craze

Cardboard boats are one of the most interesting vessels you can build, and they always bring a lot of laughter! Making a cardboard boat from plans will definitely bring you a lot of smiles and great fun for peanuts. Big Fun on the cheap! And You know…

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