Low-carb craze cools, heating-up bread products

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Waning low-carb craze has reportedly given way to bread, rice and pasta, with bread and bread products, soaring to the top. Apparently, bread is rolled out like hot cakes with whole grain manifestations, lighter textures and fun-filled shapes. Facts claim that the gluten-free, whole grain, artisan options has relegated guilt of consumers and widened the scope of nutrition and flavor with bread products.

The sales of bread has reportedly gone up by 13 percent since 2004 and has given an edge to the delis like Wendy’s and Subway to roll-out nutritious sandwiches, burgers, ciabattas with fresh meat, veggies and artisanal bread.

This more than proves that healthy options in food products are turning out to be trendy and reaping profits for the food industry. Bakery industry has managed to rip-off the complex carbohydrates from the bread’s crust, with the fiber options in whole grains. The bakery industry has appealed consumers with flavor of breads balancing it with and bioavailability of nutrients, as healthy loaves are packed-up with other vegetables, meats, cheese, legumes and spices.

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