Marinades for Summer Vegetables

veggiesWhile there can be an array of spice rubs for steaks, chicken and fishes, spice rubs and marinades for veggies lack variety. I am going to share with you a couple of marinades for your veggies.

1. Ginger root powder, cayenne pepper and lime juice serve well to marinade cottage cheese, potatoes, squash, tofu and pears.

2. Dry mango powder, cilantro paste and yogurt for grilling raw bananas, mushrooms and cauliflower.

3. Coconut, cumin powder and green chili paste for drumsticks and banana flowers.

4. Turmeric, pepper and Salt for zucchini, bottle gourds, okra, tapioca, jackfruit, eggplants and papaya.

5. Orange juice, pepper, peach syrup and salt for carrots, radish and corn.

6. Lime juice, oregano, black pepper, grated cheese for Bell Peppers, Broccoli and bok choy.

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