McDonalds goes cold with Spicy Chicken Sandwich, Wendy adds heat to it

spicy chiken sandwichThe fast food kingdom is facing a neutral phase with innovative foods as it is reported that Wendy’s has introduced a Spicy Chicken Sandwich at a phase where McDonalds has pulled out its 6-month old Spicy Chicken Sandwich from the shelves. Wendy’s will offer a version its 10-year old original Spicy Chicken Sandwich with pepper-jack cheese along with 4-Alarm Spicy Chicken sandwich laid over chicken breast fillet with pepper jack cheese, sliced jalapenos and chipotle sauce.

What adds to the heat of the chicken sandwich is Wendy’s criticism against McDonalds, where Wendy has said that McDonald’s Spicy chicken Sandwich is taken from former original pepper jack Spicy Chicken Sandwich. Why is Wendy claiming its authenticity over the hot burger at a time when McDonalds is pulling its product off the shelves? However, as Wendy is getting hotter with the original Spicy Chicken Sandwich it is yet to go hot with the consumers.

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