Mega Hamburger One: The life-size treat

We all go about eating our favorite foods the way they have been served to us in the conventional way. How many of us have ever tried our hand at coming up with something unusual, something inventive to our most relished delicacies?

If you are a person who lives by the ‘larger than life’ attitude then shouldn’t that spirit be reflected in what you eat as well? mega hamburger one 4717
Well, there is an individual who has demonstrated uniqueness in the display of his gastronomy. Marshall Astor, the genius behind the creation of one of the most unusual, scrumptious, lip-smacking burgers in the world – Mega Hamburger One. He sure went ahead of the conventional meaning of the burger to come up with the most imaginative variations to the usual burger.

Marshall Astor’s exceptional burger does not only consist of bread and meat. In addition to these two basic components, it consists of almost nine additional food items, a few of them being tomatoes, avocados, carmelised onions, pineapples and fried eggs. An explosion of different flavors is just the best part of this burger.

Quite a mouth-watering treat one could call this Mega Hamburger One and quite a mouth-full as well. It is sure to set a lot of people pondering as to how to get this succulent burger into their mouths retaining their food etiquettes and at the same time enjoying every bit of indulgence in this delectable treat.
Nevertheless, it’s a treat worth indulging in if you are not the kind who counts calories but rather lives by the motto “living to eat”. So go ahead and pleasure your tastebuds with the Mega Hamburger One.

Image credits: Slashfood

Source: Slashfood

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