Melting chocolates are a passe! Non-melting chocolates concocted

chocolates12Years of research into creating a heat resistant, chocolate has finally given its way into the resulted product. S.O. Ogunwolu and C.O. Jayeola, food scientists at the Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria are reported to have made the non-melting chocolate by blending cornstarch with cocoa. The scientists claim that the starchy properties of corn will hold the outflow of cocoa butter and will maintain the taste and texture like that of a milk chocolate. This definitely brings good news for travelers who can trust on the solidity of their chocolate-coated energy bars.

However, the question of flavor in a highly competitive market continues to push the researchers to improvise the formulation of the chocolate. The melting properties of the chocolate cannot be doubted much owing to the tropical climate in Nigeria, but of course, the application of cornstarch in a wide variety of chocolates need to be tested.

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