MicVac’s new food packets whistle when ready-to-eat

micvacFood Technology is gradually coming up with new ideas to make things easy for the consumers. This time a Swedish Company called as MicVac has developed a new pack, which contains a patented valve in a peelable film which whistles when the pre-cooked meal becomes ready-to-eat, once heated in the microwave. Apart from the UK, MicVac in alliance with David Salkeld, Grampian Country Food Group, will market the technology in Britain.

This new technology has not only made food packaging convenient, but also increased the shelf life of the food by 28 days, without hampering the taste, texture or nutritional content of food. But I feel that this technology of an inbuilt whistle will be functional only when the food pouch is soaked in hot water as microwave has the function of alarm, which goes off when the cooking time is over and every pack indicates the time that is taken for the food to get ready-to-eat.

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