New Sugarpaste restricted to decorative purposes, lacks versatility of icing sugars

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Sugar supplier British Sugar is reported to have launched Icecraft Sugarpaste, which claims to finish icing on cake without unpleasant off-white color, crumbly or grainy texture, apparently reducing the costs of whiteners and creamers. Facts provide that the ingredient used to produce Icecraft icing sugar have the right particle size for creating a smooth and non-sticky paste.

What adds to the claim is the adaptability of the icing sugar in modeling, crimping, frilling, molding and embossing icing on a pastry or cake. However, the icing sugar being a paste is not useful for dusting on cakes and dissolving into other desserts. It only projects the decorative purpose of icing sugar, which is marketability of one among many versatile uses of icing sugar in culinary use.

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