Pomegranates: Juicy, tasty, fashionable and what not!

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Want different tastes and aromas; add pomegranates to your recipes, cocktails and salads.

Fruits, vegetables and spices combine to present a unique experience to your gourmet guests. Fruits such as peaches, plums, apricots, apples, cherries, pears, mulberry, figs, kiwi, pomegranates, strawberries and melons along with watermelons are succulent and rich in juices. A variety of wines and vodkas are made from these fruits.

Eating pomegranates is not an easy task, the fruit is full of juicy seeds. Some extract the juice and throw the seeds. It’s the native fruit of region across Iran to Himalayas in the north and is cultivated since ancient times.

Scientists in Israel have proved that a glass of pomegranate juice can prevent cardiovascular diseases. The juice is rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, C and E. This fruit is gaining popularity in restaurants and serves as an important ingredient in chef’s recipes.

This fruit can be preserved in your refrigerators for two to three weeks. The berries can be extracted and chilled, mixed with sugar, salt and chaat masala. po2 985po1 985po3 985

Three easy steps to gobble it up with a minimum of fuss:

Cut off the crown, and then cut the pomegranate into sections.
Place the sections in a bowl of water, and then roll out the arils (juice sacs) with your fingers. Discard everything else.
Strain out the water and then eat the succulent arils whole, seeds and all

Note: When buying this fruit be careful, best fruit is one with thin skin, brightly colored and heavy in weight.

Via: Csmonitor

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