Nutritional labels appear to be hard nuts to crack

nutritional labels

Vanderbilt University researchers have reported about the fact that most of the consumers in America fail to decode nutritional labels due to poor analytical and quantitative abilities. Apparently, facts claim that consumers fail to identify the serving size, commit error in calculating calories and some do not even recognize the division of nutrients in the foodstuff.

Eventually, American diners consume extra calorie, as they do not recognize the serving sizes indicated to control their portions, as per their nutritional needs. Doubtless of the fact that so many American diners and nutritional advocates have sued fast food chains for not having read the nutritional labels, just to blame the fast foods later for their lurking deficiencies.

Diners and consumers really cannot blame the food industry as food packaging had been obedient to follow FDA’s legislation for being transparent in nutritional labeling and it has gone beyond its limit in segregating serving sizes into different portions to accommodate better portion control.

As far as calories are concerned then the food industry is doing its best to make claims of serving home-cooked low-cal foods and rest all depends on the discretion of the consumers to learn to calculate the total calories on the package. It does not take a pen and calculator to estimate calories, but a practice of reading nutritional labels thoroughly for healthy dining choices.

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