Omega-3 trend juts into gourmet yogurt products

cardiviaYogurt as a dairy product has risen in its functionality and as per a recent product launch, by the Canadian yogurt manufacturer Danone, yogurt will now deliver heart healthy fats to the consumers. The new yogurt known as Cardivia claims to boost cardiac health, with marine and vegetable omega-3 fatty acids. As per dietitian Manon Cormier:

With research now allowing us to live longer lives, finding ways to help people maintain a high quality of life over many years has become an urgent priority.

This product is aimed to give the required dose of EPA and DHA to those who do not eat fish.

The yogurt is available in cranberry-raspberry, strawberry, vanilla and peach-mango flavours, sweetened with Splenda and Fructose. Dairy industry has bright chances to give tough competition with its formulations; especially it perks up yogurt with probiotics and now with marine and vegetable Omega-3 fatty acids,

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