‘Organic’ beer gaining popularity

organic beer111From whole foods market to the beer breweries, organic labels are flourishing everywhere.

The Organic Trade Association reports that the organic beers have pushed sales from $9 million in 2003 to $19 million in 2005. Green Valley Brewing Co. now replaces Budweiser under Anheuser-Busch’s labels as it has started to make beer in the same way but with barley and hops that have been under the minimum exposure of pesticides.

Jon Cadoux of Peak Organic claims that consumers get the same benefit that they have had from other organic food labels, where the difference is only a product minus pesticides. However, keeping the price same as organic food products the Beer Companies alias Organic Breweries are hopping-up, with profits from the malt hop brews, as they know that the consumer is not going to invest a pound in specialty and imported beer anymore with the lure of something ‘Delicious’ and ‘Organic’.

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