Search Results for: Saudi Arabia

Is Saudi Arabia About to End Sexual Segregation?

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is notorious for its sexual segregation. Fanatical breaded theocratic thugs room the streets making sure that unrelated sexes do not mix with one another even in the company of others and in the most public of places. An…

Qatar Vs. Saudi Arabia

One of the most prominent feuds in the Middle East is between Saudi Arabia and the tiny natural gas-rich nation of Qatar. Saudi Arabia does not look to kindly on those nations that disobey its commands. It is one thing for Syria [though this dispute has..

Saudi Arabia Spreads Wahhabism

It has long been known that Saudi Arabia uses its oil money to spread its vile, grotesque, obscurantist, misogynist, homophobic, and xenophobic Wahhabi doctrine to other nations through the building of Mosques, where a Wahhabi zealot is then placed, and..

Dubai About To Become The Next Saudi Arabia?

After the now famous case of the deported British couple after they had sex on a public beach, Dubai has officially issued a code of conduct for its 1 million, more or less, foreign residents and millions more tourists.

[The sex-on-the-beach…

How Saudi Arabia Treats Its Shias

I had previously had a spat with another Instablogs member who argued that contrary to my assertion Shia Arabs in the Gulf are not discriminated against. She cited her own experience living amongst Shias in Saudi Arabia and how they were never bothered…

Saudi Arabia Pushing Wahhabism in Bosnia

It is not enough that the Saudi state entrench the vile extremist Islam of Wahhabism; a doctrine so radical a break from the Islam that most Muslims know that even the brother of Abdul-Wahab condemned his ideology. But the Saudis also spends hundreds.

Saudi Arabia and USA judiciaries: Are they similar?

# USA: A person who uploaded copyrighted movie on a BitTorent site, EliteTorrents in 2005 is facing the prospect of 10 years in prison coupled with a $500,000 fine. (link)
# Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia to Punish Survivor of Gang Rape(6 armed men) with…

Saudi Justice For Orphaned Girls

Saudi Wahhabi religious police who strictly and mercilessly enforce tyranny and religious fanaticism and extremism.

The American press feigns outrage over human rights abuses in Iran and Syria, and that’s all well and food, but are oblivious to…

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