Pairing foods with sherry

sweet and sour chicken

If you have paired your foods with every wine on earth then now is the time for some sherry. An article touches the tips of pairing foods with sherry.

The article points out that there are two kinds of sherries, namely, fino and oloroso, where the former is light and dry and the latter is viscous.

The pairing depends on the food and the flavor you want to give to it. As the flavor of Sherries is restricted but pronounced, the nutty and robust oloroso sherry is considered apt for cooking sauces, soups and even pairing with cheese and nuts. Fino’s pale flavor makes it apt for pairing it with toasted nuts and fried foods.

However, the article also warns you that not all Sherries sold under the tag of ‘cooking sherry’ are safe for pairing fragile foods. Therefore, the book ‘Artisanal Cooking’ suggests going for sherry vinaigrette for pairing with salads, seafood, poultry and all the Chinese fare.

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