Pistachios – It’s good to get nutty over nuts!

pistachios 2112Getting nutty over nuts is good for your health. A handful of Pistachios are what you need to keep your cholesterol low which means that they are good for your heart. Not only that, Pistachios may trim down the body’s response to the stress of everyday life and thereby reduce the blood pressure.

Pistachio amounts of 1.5 ounces and three ounces (per day) — one to two handfuls — reduced risk for cardiovascular disease by significantly reducing LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels, and the higher dose significantly reducing lipoprotein ratios

says study author Sarah Gebauer.

Researchers gave volunteers about three ounces of pistachios a day for month and found that their total blood cholesterol dropped by 8.4% and ‘bad cholesterol’ or LDL by 11.6%.

How do they help? According to health24, Pistachios are rich in potassium (helps regulate the body’s fluid balance), phosphorus (helps build bones and teeth) and magnesium (important element in the conversion of the body’s energy), and are also a good source of vitamin B6 (aids protein metabolism and absorption) and thiamine (enhances energy and promotes normal appetite).

These nuts also have a relatively low calorie value when compared to other nuts and are cholesterol free, high in fibre and low in saturated fat and are also a very good source of protein. Like most other nuts, pistachios can also cut heart disease risk. The high monounsaturated fat content may actually lower cholesterol levels in the blood.

Pistachios also contain antioxidants in the form of phytochemicals. These plant nutrients have been associated with a decreased risk for developing chronic diseases, like cancer.

So, should you start gorging on the pista icecream? Nopes, you could eat them plain or roasted, or give your salad a twist by adding chopped roasted pistachios. You could also try out a number of healthy recipes that are available on the net.



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