Pizza Hut Oman to add gourmet pasta flavors to its pizza chain

pasta flavorsPizza Hut Oman is expanding its range with a new line of saute Pasta. The saute pasta menu at Qurum and Madinat Sultan Qaboos outlets would feature the following:

1. South Western Chicken – Penne Pasta tossed with chicken, roasted vegetables and topped with Chipotle Alfredo sauce
2. Bowtie Chicken Florentine – The name suggests it is a casserole of chicken, spinach and Alfredo sauce tossed
3. Creamy Tomato Pasta – Penne Pasta with the yummy pair of chicken and mushrooms, topped with creamy tomato cheese sauce
4. Spaghetti Bolognaise
5. Fettuccine Alfredo – Fettuccine Pasta with creamy cheese blended with Alfredo sauce.
6. Spicy Shrimp Pasta – This seafood delicacy involves linguini tossed with shrimp and spicy Chipotle Alfredo sauce.

It is very interesting to note that Pizza Hut has expanded its domain to other whole foods and not only that it is capable of offering traditional Italian pasta in gourmet flavors.

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