Plums, Quinoa, Walnuts get ‘crunchier’ in salad bowls

quinoa salad 7

An article points out the nutritional packaging of a plum and quinoa salad, where it lists out the antioxidants, iron, potassium, Omega3 acids, proteins and mineral content of Quinoa grains, plums and walnuts.

Doubtless of the nutritional packaging of nuts, whole grains and plums, their utility is restricted to desserts, pies, cereals or as toppings. However, the article explores the flexibility of the nuts, grains and plums in itself in a salad with only the heat of red and yellow pepper.

There are many ways to incorporate quinoa, plums and walnuts in salads. Some are as follows:

1. Toss-up quinoa, plums, walnuts with orange juice and cayenne pepper.

2. Plums and quinoa taste wonderful with green beans, pepper, limejuice and rock salt.

3. Plums and walnuts tossed with pineapple and cherry tomatoes, taste awesome.

4. Plums, quinoa, walnuts complement chickpeas and basil pesto in a salad.

5. Plums and walnuts taste great with feta cheese and lettuce.

6. Plums and Quinoa mealt in your mouth with apple sauce and shrimps.

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