Potato and Red Beans Curry

curry2 7Red beans and round potatoes can be very warm in the winter season. The recipe is as follows:


Boiled Round Potatoes
Boiled Red Beans
Beaten Yogurt
Chopped Tomatoes
Garlic Paste
Coriander Leaves Paste
Green Chilies Paste
Cinnamon Powder
Clove Powder
Water (1 Cup)


1. Heat oil in a wok and add chopped tomatoes, green chilies paste, coriander leaves and garlic paste. Cook stirring constantly for 20 minutes.

2. Add potatoes and red beans and cook on slow fire for 10 minutes.

3. Add powdered cinnamon, clove and salt.

4. Add a cup of water, yogurt and simmer the gravy for 5 minutes. Serve with rice.

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