Presidential Bill of Fare doesn’t include Celery and Tomatoes

filet mignon
A recent document compiled and labeled as ‘Confidential’ by the Democratic candidate’s advance team, in the 2004 presidential campaign of John Kerry and Teresa Heinz Kerry listed the food choices of the Senator. This Confidential File is now disclosed by the website smoking gun and it includes a list of foods in the breakfast, lunch/dinner, snacks, and food preferences in bus and in the hotel rooms. Kerry’s food mainly includes bananas, apples, grapes, oatmeal, filet mignon, protein shakes, cookies and Poland Spring Water. Kerry loves all these except the fact that he cannot bear celery and tomatoes in any form in his food.

Huh! You must see the whole list to actually realize that though not a royal course, he is precise about what should be served and what should not be on his Presidential platter.

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