Probiotic cereals target digestive disorders


At the outset when cereals are charged of being loaded with sugar and calories, Kashi Company, the premier natural food products company, is reported to introduce a probiotic-loaded cereal to the American consumers known as Kashi Vive Probiotic Digestive Wellness Cereal. This cereal claims to clean the digestive tract of those suffering from digestive disorders and nourish them with probiotic bacteria, detoxification qualities of fiber and broccoli extracts.

Though there were many probiotic cereals made of oat bran, yet they were dairy based probiotics, and not suitable for lactose intolerant people. But this product claims to fill-in for dairy with broccoli. Rice crisps are doing the work of barley and oats at the time of dyspepsia and probiotic has shifted its focus from yogurt to cereals. Cereals can get to their primal function with probiotic to prove the potency in this product. Therefore, to those nutritional advocates who have thronged the breakfast cereal manufacturers with badly laden calories, Kashi’s Probiotic cereal might be the answer, especially with facts of a balanced flavor and high nutrition.

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