ProBugs: The first ever organic whole milk kefir for kids

keforKefir is a probiotic cultured-milk beverage, which originated in the Northern Caucasus Mountains. A report shows that Lifeway Company has been engaged in tapping the health benefits of kefir and recently it has formulated ProBugs(TM), from organic whole milk kefir for growing kids aged 2-9. ProBugs is rolled out in two fruity flavors of Sublime Slime Lime(TM) and Orange Creamy Crawler(TM).

The product is all set to challenge the probiotic yogurts with 10 live and active kefir cultures in comparison to the two or three types of cultures present in yogurt. The packaging is cool and funky with famous cartoon characters that play as bugs and they are no-spill stuff, which is child-friendly. A word to the parents could be…these friendly bacteria are going to take care of your child’s digestive system. These products are already tested in the Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim and the response had been overwhelming, where retailers say:

This is the coolest product here … sublime slime lime and orange creamy crawler how neat! … This packaging is so cool, no mess.

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