PureLo breakthrough in sweetener sector!

luo han

A report in the NZ Herald speaks about a natural sweetener PureLo, made from a Chinese fruit luo han by BioVittoria of Hamilton. Resources point out that the fruit is not tasty in its original state, but when dried and powdered acts as a natural sweetener. PureLo has an approval from USDA, as it is the perfect natural sweetener as it is reported to be 300 times sweeter than sugar but without any calories, and it is on its way to make its presence feel in the multibillion-sweetener industry with the production target of 15 and 25 tonnes.

To quote one of the BioVittoria founders Dr Garth Smith:

What we are doing is taking a cottage industry and applying the technology to create a large-scale commercial industry.

This just shows that the product has a great potential to give a fight to the sweetener industry. It also has the potential to cut down production costs of the confectionary and beverage industry as only infinitesimal quantities of the sweetener will be required to sweeten the foodstuffs, along with being be the most desired product of those suffering from diabetes and cardiac problems.

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