Readymade Pumpkin-pies save time, kill flavor

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Pumpkin-pie classic is often the messiest job in the kitchen when it comes to the convenience seekers in the kitchen. Readymade pumpkin-pie can always save time and pie blunders, but a pumpkin pie taste-test from Washington area supermarkets reported in the Washington Post speaks of flaky crusts, spicy or overly sugary filling, jellied or watery textures and similar such readymade blunders of getting a pie from market and putting the blame on Whole Foods.

Pumpkin pie forms the most vital part of a Thanksgiving Table, so if in case hosts plan to bring it on the table, it would be better to stay uncompromising with the traditional dessert. The article suggests getting pie crust and canned pumpkin and then follow the instructions until the end. However, a pie-crust with homemade pumpkin with prove to be superior than a canned one and whatever it maybe it can save bucks and add to the flavor pumpkin pie if the idea of purchasing a pumpkin pie is dismissed altogether.

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