Red Meat might be rancid

red meat

Freshness of meat is often questioned when consumers are taken in by the red pigment of the meat and consider it as fresh. However, a report points out the fact that carbon monoxide gas maintains the red pigment of beef and lamb. Facts provide that meat packers treat meat with carbon monoxide and because it is anaerobic in nature, it maintains the red pigment and the fresh look of the red meats.

FDA does not have issues with the infusion of the gas as it says it increases the shelf life, tenderness and redness of the meat by inhibiting pathogens. However, is FDA forgetting about the health effects of carbon monoxide on consumers?

This strength of meat manufacturer is ironically the hole in meat packaging, especially realizing the fact that consumers cannot poison their lungs even for significant quantities.

FDA better find alternative ways to clearing stock rather than make consumers eat rancid meat already smeared with poison and consumers are suggested to either buy meat fresh from the butcher or check both the production and expiration date on the labels. To top it all meat processors should be subjected to strict labeling regulations to stop this fraud play against consumers.

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