Religious leaders are looked up to with utmost reverence. However, they are but human and have often committed serious crimes leading to convictions.
Warren Jeffs
Image Source : A4.files.Biography.Com
Warren Jeff was an ex-President of Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who was convicted as an accomplice of rape. Several other trials remain pending against him in the federal court system and other states.
Pope Sergius III
Image Source : America.Pink
Sergius III held his position as a Pope when Italy suffered from great disorder and violence. The Pope indulged in crime by ordering the murder of his two immediate predecessors. Besides, he had many political involvements with many counts and countesses. He also had a reported illegitimate child.
Theodore Rinaldo
Image Source : Faithsharks.Com
Theodre being the leader of religious group in Washington was convicted for a third degree rape and sexual intercourse with a minor girl. This religious leader was also involved in many other sexual crimes.
Wayne Bent
Image Source : Cultnews.Com
Bent was the founder of Lord Our Righteousness Church but committed shameful acts of sexual harassment of two minors. He was sentenced to eighteen years of imprisonment, of which last eight years were suspended.
Ervil Le Baron
Image Source : Gutsandgore.Co.Uk
Ervil was a polygamous Mormon fundamentalist who was convicted for murdering two people in 1981 and plotting to kill a third one.
Tony Alamo
Image Source : Si.Wsj.Net
He has been one of the most controversial religious leaders who was convicted for not paying tax in 1994 and charged for taking several minors across the state to indulge into prostitution. The number and degree of crimes was such that Tony was sentenced to a total of 150 years in the federal prison.
Pope John XII
Image Source : RoguesgalleryOnline.Com
Pope John XII was a known philanderer was there were rumors that he frequented brothels. He was accused of raping several women and had pagan interests that were considered blasphemous in a religion of which he was the supreme head.
William Kamm
Image Source : Lastampa.It
William was the self-styled Pope Peter II. This Australian religious leader was accused of sexual harassment of a 15 year old girl and was senteced to prison in 2005. Later, his sentence was increased in 2007 as he was found guilty for having sexually abused another teenage girl for about five years.
Swami Premananda
Image Source : I.Vimeocdn.Com
This Indian religious leader was sentenced to life imprisonment twice for having raped a 13 year old girl and committing a murder in 2005.
Though the religious leaders are regarded as figures of peace, saviors of human rights having interreligious tolerance but a number of them are also found involved in controversies and crimes for which they have been harshly convicted.