Scottish Haggis gets Americanized, chucks-out meat offal

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Pork offal traditionally served in the Burns Supper has been reportedly chucked-out in the Americanized version of Haggis, served during the supper to the Scottish societies in the US. NY Times points that modification of the vital ingredients in Haggis has taken place because of the ban on imports of exotic offal, since the outbreak of mad cow disease in 1989, coupled with a distaste of American palates towards the Scottish delicacy.

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Earlier research on the negative growth of blood pudding in the US endorses the fact of food contamination attached to meat products. However what matters here is the gourmet element attached to the pork scraps by the chefs in the UK has also inspired Haggis makers in the US, who have gone by far to adapt Haggis to the tastes of Americans.

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One on hand it is a preventive measure taken by the Haggis suppliers in the US to adhere to the federal law with regards to the sale of offal, and on the other hand it is an attempt to pacify the palates of their Scottish consumers, with a hint of Haggis.

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Though Scottish settlers in America cannot expect authentic Haggis, yet they can be happy with the culinary compromise in Americanized Haggis. Considering the unpredictable E coli outbreaks and the carelessness on the part of food manufacturers, the Scottish societies, should be ‘content’ with the upliftment of Haggis to an honourable ‘content’.

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