“April 15, 2014” will be marked as a golden date in the history of Eunuchs in India. After battling for recognition for 2000 years, Supreme Court finally gave the transgender eunuchs recognition on Tuesday.
It is an end to the humiliation that eunuchs had to face while filling any form, which asked the gender. Now onwards, all the eunuchs will be recognized as the “third sex” and they will come under the category of Other Backward Caste (OBC). They will get equal opportunities in all the fields like education, environment, and employment, as according to the verdict, they will be given reservation in government jobs and education.
“We are elated and thankful to the court.” These words came from Kalki Subramanium who is a prominent activist who works for the rights of transgender. She said this decision has come after a long period of suppression and discrimination, which the eunuchs had to face because of our legal and social system.
The verdict given by Justice K.S. Radhakrishnan is a new beginning for all the eunuchs, as it will help them overcome discrimination and succeed in their life. A group of eunuchs expressed their elation through dancing in front of the Supreme Court. They said, the biggest challenge for them is the social recognition. They want to reach out to people and let them know that they also are a part of this nation and there is nothing wrong with them. If given a chance, they can prove their worth.
Finally, they have gotten this chance, which they were denied off since times immemorial. Now they are as much a part of the society, as other people are. This verdict will make them raise above all discriminations and work for their betterment.
The families disown boy-child born with malformed genitals and effeminate traits and they are sent to live in eunuch colonies. Today, there are nearly two million eunuchs and transgenders in India, who survive by begging in groups under the leadership of various eunuch leaders. People fear them, as they turn up in weddings or residences after the birth of a baby boy and demand large amounts of money in return of the blessings that they give.
In case, people refuse to yield to their requests, they curse them and embarrass them in public in several ways like they hold up their saree and show their malformed genitals. Therefore, it is out of fear of embarrassment that people yield to eunuchs demands. The eunuchs are also helpless as this is the only way of their survival.
However, the times are changing in favor of eunuchs. The Supreme Court said the Indian constitution provides equal opportunity to all the citizens, irrespective of their caste, religion, or gender. SC has ordered Indian government to start campaigns to spread awareness to end the transgender discrimination.