Be Veg, Be Smart!

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Health of an individual depends on his nutrition. It is this well-known fact that has led man to be more aware of the food he consumes.
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A large number of diseases are known to be diet related. A certain diet may itself be the cause of disease or alter the course of a known disorder such as diabetes or kidney disease.

Your dietary habits have a direct relation with your brain; the healthier your diet is, the sharper your brain will be. Surprisingly, according to a recent finding, it was found that children with higher IQ seem to be more inclined towards becoming vegetarians. Studies have proved that non-vegetarian food leads to obesity, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis and accumulation of fats and proteins.

We must not kill or hybrid the animals just for the meat. Animals do have life and we have no right to perish them. The same quantity and quality of proteins, minerals, and essential vitamins needed are also available in vegetables and synthesized food, so there is not point in killing animals and ultimately killing ourselves just for the sake of taste.

Via: Yahoo

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