Spam reaches culinary heights…

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Spam is apparently reaching culinary heights and that is reported in the different manifestations of spam in Great American Spam Championship. Facts provide that Spam or Spiced Ham, which is a combo of chopped pork shoulder meat with ham meat added, salt, water, sugar, and sodium nitrite, made by Hormel Foods. Spam is making appearances in BBQ flavors, in fajitas, Alfredo, soups, dips, vegetable frittatas, scrambles egg nests, in stuffed turkey so on and so forth.

Literally called as the military post stew, spam was the food during the Second World War; Spam made form the most economical food products has taken trendy cuts. However, there is international usage of spam, yet all the spam innovation is restricted to appetizing recipes on the great spam cook-off. This year the spam cook-off went to a 7-year old kid for creating ‘Easy Spambled Egg Nests‘.

This just challenges the chefs to serve Spam as an appetizer in cocktails parties, the main course with pasta and noodles, grilled with veggies, baked with cheese, stewed and served with bechamel sauce, in souffle, sandwiches and the creativity can stretch it long. Well the diners cannot bet on the nutritional content of spam but what can bowl the flavor freaky diners is humble spam making chic appearances.

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