Spices beat Aspirin, Veggies beat Spices as natural salicylates

vindalooResearch funded by the Scottish Executive has brought to the forefront the aspirin function in Indian spices like cumin, turmeric and paprika. Facts provide that these spices are likely to contain salicylic acid, which is known for its anti-inflammatory effects, in the prevention of colon cancer and promotion of healthy heart. In addition to the fact, it is equally true that a plant-based diet is much better than ingesting an aspirin pill or digesting a spicy vindaloo.

Salicylic acid being the link between aspirin and colon cancer can prove beneficial to the consumers if other alternative and natural sources of the acid can be found. However, the spices in Indian curries are prevalent in most of the Asian and English cuisines. American and Italian cuisine might miss out most of the part of spices, except for the use of paprika.

The research for spices becomes restrictive, as not all the cuisines make the best use of spices in foods, nor would they prefer to take the heat of a Goan lamb curry. While spices might fail to take over salicylic acid in international cuisines, a plant-based diet containing champignon, green pepper, olive, mushrooms, tomato, radish and chicory can suffice consumers with a daily dose of harmless aspirin.

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