Stale bread cooks-up authentic Italian dishes


Bread as a food art has been reported to the foodies in many forms. Now bread art goes functional with its variegated usage in an array of Italian dishes. An article elaborates on the usage of stale bread in everything from thickening stews, soups, sauces to breading veal cutlets and making raviolis.

However, what makes stale bread stand out is its usage is in the recipe penned down by Giorgio Locatelli, chef-patron of Locanda Locatelli, London. The chef speaks of using stale bread in a crunchy salad dressed with everything Italian. Panzanella, or pan molle uses three days old bread after soaking it in water. Bread is then tossed with the seasonal salad veggies, herbs, seasonings and pesto to give the salad a unique flavor.

This is a unique example to home cooks, bakery owners and chefs to use their stale breads in the simplest way. Though stale, there are shelf stable breads that stay fresh up to three to four days, and the rest depends on your creativity to use it as an ingredient in ordinary dishes to bring in a special twist.

Via: Guardian

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