Stir-fried Chicken Liver

liver of chickenIn the summer food exotica what appeals me is one-dish in a steamy kitchen. Ask me and I hate spending time inside kitchen in Indian summers, East coast of India being the one of the worst hit. Today I am going to share with you a Sunday bowl that is goin to give you full freedom to enjoy the weekend under cool shade after lunch. As usual I annot do away with meats on my Sunday lunch and this one is with liver of chicken.


Chicken Liver
Poppy seeds paste
Cinnamon Powder
Cayenne Pepper
Chopped Onions
Chopped Potatoes
Broccoli Florets


1. Fry onions and vegetables until brown.
2. Add all the spices and fry for some more time.
3. Add liver, marinated inyogurt for an hour.
4. Cook until the moisture is evaporated and the meat is tender and garnish it with herbs and sliced cucumber
5. Serve with pancakes.

Note: You can add steamed vegetables to save time or alternate the vegetables with pasta and mushrooms

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