Summer Tips: Top Five Tips to save time on Cooking

wsaladsHey guys my series is over and I am back with my tips and recipes. With summer getting stronger in India, I am going to share with you certain tips that will help you spend less time in kitchen. The best thing is to save gas and time, by cooking up some quick dishes in the kitchen. Some time-saving tips in the kitchen:

1. Steam all the vegetables with salt and pepper, it is healthy and quick.
2. Try to pressure cook pulses, rice and greens together to make a quick casserole.
3. Make up a crunchy chicken salad with lots of yogurt and herbal dressings.
4. Substitute the use of spices in casseroles, stir-fries and other dishes, with ready-made dips…be flavor-specific and save time.
5. Use your microwave to save the use of oil and the amount of sweat in the kitchen

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