Taste of Spring…

With environs packed with cozy sunshine, tender breeze and to top it all…fresh cuisines, the Season of Spring is relished by the lot. Just delight in the scrumptious offerings of the blooming spring, which rope in more nourishing and fresh mountain wild vegetables, according to the Chinese folks. The names, by which these are being recognized, might sound bizarre but their growth in natural places and pure form insist people to dig their teeth into them. Let’s have a look…

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Jue Cai
Jue Cai, renowned as king of the wild vegetables, is very nutritious. Chock-a-block with protein and calcium, Jue Cai is best when boiled in hot water followed by taken out and flavored with oil, soy sauce, vinegar and sugar.

Ji Cai
Ji Cai has lots of vitamins. Savor Ji Cai soup and enjoy the thirst-quenching aroma.

Dandelion (Pu Gong Ying)
Dandelion nurtures skin and advances body invulnerability, since it is full of vitamin C. The common way of cooking dandelion is frying it with tofu or pork..

Qian Bao Cai
Qian Bao Cai is sweet in taste and it helps enriching blood in the body. Usually, people prefer to fry this vegetable or chop it as the dumpling’s stuffing.

Zhen Zhu Cai

Zhen Zhu Cai is excellent for eyes and helps reduce irritations. Normally, Zhenzhu Cai is used for cooking pancakes.

Wei Cai
A nutrition-packed vegetable is Wei cai, which perks up body’s immunity. It is advisable to be stir-fried with mincemeat and green pepper.

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Ci Wu Jia
Always compared with ginseng, Ci Wu Jia has similar nutritious elements as the former one. Those who have problems with incretion or nerve system, Ci Wu Jia is an ideal choice. As Ci Wu Jia tastes a little bitter, you can make it salted before cooking.

Wild Celery
Wild Celery is excellent for stomach, liver and blood circulation. It consists of many vitamins and nutritious elements. It is usually cooked as stuffing, minced with pork or mutton.

Ku Cai
Ku Cai tastes a little bitter. So people do not generally eat Ku Cai. But essentially, it has medical property which is a remedy to nervous anxiety and irritation.

Via – chinadaily

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