Taste of wine in a bottle of juice

wine andf jiuNon-alcoholic beverages share the same cliche of fortifications, but the latest in this category is a novel concept, which claims to give you a hint of wine in a glass of juice. Navarro Vineyards in California are reported to have manufactured grape juices in with the vineyard grape adding to the non-alcoholic sector names and flavors of Pinot Noir, Gewurztraminer and Chardonnay.

Facts provide that these grape juices carry the similar spicy, fruity and acidity characteristics of vineyard grapes when concocted into wine.

While these grape juices sound interesting, the tasting notes apparently has given convincing results to some. These grape juices are beneficial for casual drinking with friends and can be used for various cooking purposes as they claim not to carry the taste of Port wines.

Though not hailed much with the antioxidant properties, the different flavor profile might make the juices dear to customers. These grape juices are available in the online retail store of Navarro Wines priced in between $9.75-$11.

Via: Boing Boing

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