Term ‘Organic’ turns rare pork ‘pinker’ in upscale dining

medium rareThe fact that trichinellosis in the United States has reduced after 2001, can make the consumers rest assured with the standards set by USDA in terms of raising of pork to the processing of the steak. Though not officially endorsed by the USDA, yet it is reported to speed the appearance of medium-rare steaks in upscale restaurants for their juicy flavors, which remains intact when steaks are cooked medium-rare.

The Diner’s Journal also points that upscale restaurants that bake their pork chops out of the medium-rare get the steak from those farms thatdo not sell sick pigs. Medium rare and medium-well is not the only intensity found in case of pork, but facts provide that this level of cooking have spreaded out to chicken, tuna, salmon usually found in Japanese restaurants serving chicken sashimi or sushi.

The term sick-free is more relatable to organic free-range beasts, but much depends on the source of the steak and the way it is cooked by the upscale restaurants. Worthy upscale restaurants have to go a long way to prove to their customers that the medium-rare served is safe, in order to make the best flavors of meat in a medium-rare available to the consumers, turning it to a perspective flavor trend in upscale dining.

Via: Diner’s Journal

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