Things That Make A Person Angry

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We, usually, become annoyed with something before we become angry about it. And, if that annoyance doesn’t somehow lessen in a certain space of time we often times become very volatile. At these times we cannot always control our temper or our emotional controls and we do in some way or another explode. During this explosion we usually make bad behavioral decisions and we cause ourselves much more personal trouble and pain. After the explosion and after we are made to calm down we too often find that we are horrified at the pain and the suffering we caused because of our lack of our emotional self-control.

We, usually, find that we don’t like ourselves very much and we hide from the world and if we could hide from ourselves we would do that, too. But, the trouble is that we cannot hide from ourselves and that makes us dislike ourselves the more. This self-condemning feeling causes us to become annoyed even quicker the very next time an event occurs that we find is unsatisfactory to our preconceived perception of what is and what should be. At all events, we find ourselves in a vicious cycle filled with becoming annoyed, being annoyed, and becoming more annoyed, and being more annoyed and then about to explode and exploding and then feeling regret over our own loss of control.

It’s a terrible cycle to be in, but the good thing is that the cycle can be broken by several means. Each mean is accessible to you whenever you want to utilize them. One is to vent here on this forum where we can, perhaps, help you to lessen that thing or that circumstance that is frustrating you. Another is to face your own inability to control certain events and certain people and things. Another is to avoid those places and those people and those things that are more apt to place you in frustrating positions. Another is if you cannot avoid that thing or that person or persons that cause you much frustration then you must find that special location inside your mind where you must go to let whatever it is pass. Remember, whatever it is it will pass just be patient be very, very patient.

Anger is, of all of our basic emotions, the cruelest because it drains us of our common sense and when we allow that anger to control us we physiologically and literally become one ugly demon that even we ourselves cannot stand to live with for very long.

Please, remember that controlled venting in a controlled environment is good for all of us at certain trying times in our sometimes seemingly too frustrating lives.

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