Tieguanyin: The most expensive tea ever brewed in Britain

The most expensive tea that Britain has ever steeped in is the Tieguanyin tea, which costs 300 times more than the homemade concoctions. Tieguanyin tea is $1,700 per kg, which means $15.00 per cup. This tea dates back to the 18th century, and is grown in the Nanyan, Yaoyan Village, Fujian Province, China. This tea has oolong leaves, and is highly oxidized.

One of the reasons as to why this tea is so expensive is because of the “gung fu” style, which means “great skill”. The tea can be brewed with multiple infusion, for three to four times, so the more you brew the tastier it becomes. I completely disagree with Harrods food spokesman Andre Dang, when he says thet the tea loses its flavor with frequent brews and hence become less expensive. The prestigious store in London that sells this tea perhaps is unaware of this secret, frequent brews of the same tea can send any one into the greed of increasing profits, from the same cup.

Another reason why this tea is expensive is that it caters to the western taste as it gives a intoxicating note with floral taste and fruity character. It can be served as an accompaniment to both seafood and spicy dishes. The word “Tieguanyin” is taken from the name of the Iron Goddess; the tea is heavy like iron but light, smooth, and as pervasive as the Goddess of Compassion, Kwan Yin. The tea is probably based on the traits of the Goddess. This tea is highly prized in China and is served only in special occasions, so that tells you of its value.

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