Tips to pair wine and meat for barbecue

barbecue pork 1A recent article on food pairing emphasizes on the use of wines with meats for the purpose of barbecue. A classification of the red and white meats is listed out with their respective wine pairings to bring out the right flavor. While the article mentions about pairing chicken with White Burgundy, research shows that the fruity flavor of White burgundy works well with creamy chicken dishes and even stews.

Roasted or grilled chicken complements the fruity red as an exception, but sticking to the rules it goes well with the fruity Pinot Grigio. I can give a big nod for acidic white wines for shellfish, and the citrus flavor of Sauvignon Blanc weds well with prawns and shrimps, while rich-flavored salmon and meaty tuna pairs well with the opposites instead of the conventional white wine. Therefore, the article brings out the proven pair of tuna and salmon with Pinot Noir.

For the red meats, what holds true is full-flavored wine for soft cuts of steak and vice-versa. As per the article:

Whatever barbequed food you are choosing, what is important is the make up of the barbequing marinade used-the intensity, texture and flavor profile – and its consequent impact on the end taste of the food.

It is true as the flavor profile is not made by wine alone it is the overall combination of juices from the marinade, meat and the wine to make the pair click.

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