Top 5 ways to turn soups into one-pot meals

one pot soup 7

Winter cravings and one-pot meals go together. But most often one-pot meals limit themselves to same texture, similar ingredients and little creativity. An article in the Washington Times tips about turning the conservative soups into full meals, having a dash of flexibility and lots of creativity in it. The tips are as follows:

1. Cornmeal and egg soup with lots of yogurt, little honey and chilies, to give the sweet and sour flavor.

2. Rice souped with chicken breasts, mushrooms and shredded spinach.

3. Corn cobs and pumpkin turned into a bisque with lots of herbs and topped with beef scraps.

4. Shrimps, lettuce and broccoli soup.

5. Crabmeat soup topped with fried noodles.

6. Green beans, carrots and cauliflower soup, seasoned with salt and pepper only.

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