Top five Health foods from five different countries

4rtrThe top five health foods in the world were published in the American Magazine ‘Health’ and amidst all the five foods Kimchi was the healthiest. Kimchi is the soul-food in Korea which is fermented and pickled Napa cabbage served in almost all the Korean restaurants. Kimchi is supposed to be rich with Vitamins A, B and C, low in fat but high in fiber. Moreover, the bacteria lactobacilli, in Kimchi aids in digestion. The next in row is Spain with its Olive oil that gives good cholesterol, while reducing the bad cholesterol and keeping skin young with high quantity of antioxidants. In the third position is Soy in Japan, which is rich in proteins and is given to patients suffering from breast cancer. In the fourth position is Yogurt from Greece. While the Grecians consider it as an aphrodisiac, it is a good digestive formula and lowers blood pressure. The fifth place goes to the Indian food Lentil, which is commonly taken in a liquid form with the staple Indian food Rice& Flat Bread.

These are the top health foods as per the health magazine, but the best part is that each health food has its exclusive health benefits and think of preparing a meal balancing all the above foods to round-up your diet chart.

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