Top five wearable technology gadgets

Technology has evolved continuously ever since computers and cell phones were introduced. The craze for technology has been unparalleled and innovation in technology has even made possible for people to wear technology on the go. Let us profile some of the best technology pieces that you can wear on the go.

  • Pebble Watch

Pebble Watch is one of the most popular pieces of wearable technologies out there in the market today. It’s a smart watch designed and developed by Pebble Technology and was put up on the market this year. It was interesting to know how Pebble kick started the funding campaign for this smart watch. Pebble had to ask for capital inflow from public after investors detracted from investing in this smart phone project.

The watch is powered by the operating system of Pebble OS and has a battery life that can be extended until 2-3 weeks. New advancements will see more and more applications fitted into the watch.


  • Google Glass

Even though Google Glass isn’t out as yet, the hysteria that it has created is unparalleled. The project consists of a display mounted on the head, with the functions of a smart phone. It uses the Android OS and has a storage capacity of 16 GB. Talks are ongoing to fit lenses, which can make the project even more attractive and versatile.

  • Fundawear

Durex may be popular for manufacturing other things, but it has certainly hit a jackpot with this invention. Fundawear by Durex is the first venture by the company, which delves into the world of connectivity. With these, you can pair up with your smart phone or your partner’s smart phone. Thus, you can control the vibrations in your partner’s underwear while your partner can control the vibrations in your panties! The underwear is available in a customized form for both ladies and men, so that’s an added advantage.


  • ForceWear Vest

ForceWear Vest is a gaming accessory developed by TNgames, which tries to provide the experience of warfare gaming to the user in 3D. With this vest, you can feel the impact of the action. If you are hit on the back, you will feel the impact there and thus, the impact is highly directional. It hasn’t scaled the popularity chart owing to the lack of partnerships with gaming consoles.


  • Memoto

Memoto is again very similar to Pebble smart watch in the way funding was gathered. Kickstarter was called up for the funding process. It is a small wearable device which can take pictures every 30 seconds when it is being worn.

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