Miley Cyrus is Out of Control As stated by Star Magazine, Miley is “more out of control than any other time,” with companions actually being worried that she’s undermining beau Liam Hemsworth! Not just is it not accurate — Miley and Liam are maybe the happiest they’ve ever been!
The Graduating Gleeks Won’t Return In spite of gossip, senior Gleeks Lea Michele, Cory Monteith and Chris Colfer won’t be leaving the arrangement! When a proposed spinoff didn’t take off, we started to get apprehensive. at the same time now we’re singing an alternate tune!
The Jonas Brothers are breaking up Don’t fuss — the main thing separating here is this gossip! Back in August 2011, Joe Jonas focused on that nothing could split this family demonstration, and that he could even see the trio going on tour again soon. Resembles the offer still stands, Nick and Kevin!
Russell Brand Wants Half of Katy Perry’s Money We genuinely grieved the misfortune of this celeb couple (and envision our stun to hear that the typically zen Rusty had gone all, “What have you accomplished for me recently?” on Katy!). Indeed, the separation was genial — well, as peaceable as it could be.
Russell completed the great gentleman thing and left with just his own particular stakes, not Katy’s. In any case we don’t question that My Booky Wook 3 will have a couple of delicious goodies about the attempt…
Adele Will Never Sing Again Wow Adele, we wish we knew how to stop you. Fortunately, we won’t need to!
In spite of the fact that Adele expected that she might be unable to sing again in the wake of experiencing throat surgery a year ago, it seems for nothing, as she’s as of now started recording her next collection! Wonder what her new sweetheart ponders that.
Nicki Minaj is a Violent Mess The point when Nicki’s servant appeared to her home in the wake of being ended, bits of gossip swirled that Her Minajesty had gotten into a squabble with her previous worker. Turns out, it was Nicki’s sweetheart who was to be faulted!
The terrible news: We’ve heard some really insane stuff of late about our favorite celebs — we’re talking TV abrogation, ghastly breakups, and recovery stinks. The uplifting news: Looks like they’re all gossipy tidbits! Kid, are we happy they aren’t accurate! So what would it be advisable for us to praise not happening? Drum roll please for the 10 best bits of gossip that are, well, simply gossipy tidbits…