Water tops the healthy beverage chart


Water has topped the charts of Healthy Beverage Guidelines published by American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Judged to be the best beverage, water needs a little backing to prove that it the only low-calorie, natural and the purest beverage available to the consumers free of cost. Water has beaten down the following beverages that happen to be America’s favorites:

1. Tea – If it is not green tea, it is much of the nicotine present in tea.

2. Coffee – The caffeine kick can cause dehydration in summer days.

3. Low-fat milk and soymilk – Both are good as food and fluids.

4. Sports Drink – Good at giving carbs and electrolytes, but it cannot quench your thirst.

5. Starbucks Frappuccino and Red Bull – High in calories and facts provide that Red Bull give you more caffeine and sodium than Coke.

Water can be compared only to fresh fruit juices. As far as the prime purpose of a healthy beverage is concerned, no beverage can hydrate as good as water.

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