What you eat affects your alertness, concentration and response to stress

morsel 557You must check out the findings of the research by Massachusetts Institute of Technology about how certain foods swing your moods. It aids as a tool to self-assess.

Ever felt buzzy after a great workout or the anxious before a major presentation? Blame it on neurotransmitters – chemical messengers in the brain that carry information from one nerve cell to another.

According to the researchers certain nutrients in foods are precursors to neurotransmitters and depending on the amounts of those precursors in the foods consumed, more or less of a certain neurotransmitter is produced.

Different foods stimulate different responses. Some of them are:

1.Sugar and starch, found in carbohydrates (breads, cereals, pastas, rice, fruits and vegetables such as potatoes and corn) boost levels of serotinin, a powerful brain chemical that’s the key emotional regulator in the brain.

2. Carbohydrates – in moderation -have a calming effect.
Overindulgence, though, can lead to depression.

3. Tyrosine, an amino acid and a product of protein digestion, can help enhance moods, too.
It increases the production of dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine – other neurotransmitters credited for being able to increase levels of alertness and energy. To know more, do check the source.

But the age-old advice still stands firm: Eat moderately at regular intervals and the body will take care of itself.

Source : The Columbus Dispatch

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