Whole grain and White Flour: Sara Lee’s latest breakthrough in the bakery industry

saralee muffins

Sara Lee has launched the whole grain version that will attract the mainstream consumers. Sara Lee is going to launch the breakfast bread and English muffins which are made out of 30 percent whole grain flour and 70 percent white flour. The new Sara Lee Soft & Smooth is rich is Vitamin D, Folic acid and Calcium. Apart from nutrition Sara Lee breakfast bread is soft and delicious to eat. Sara Lee has a history of making buns, burgers, breads and bagels. Sara Lee’s Soft and Smooth Whole Grain White Bread was successful last year, due to its health benefits.

Sara Lee products this year will be a mixture of whole grain with other flour, preferably white flour. As white flour will give out the taste and whole grains nutrition, so that is a perfect balance of tasty and healthy foods. Therefore, Sara Lee has taken up the combo not only to boost the sales as whole grain breads are more in demand than wheat breads, but also because Sara Lee has been delivering quality And healthy bakery products, since 1939. With health conscious parents around this new creation of Sara Lee is sure to click. To purchase the breakfast bread and English muffins, look out for the Sara Lee retailers at: Sara Lee

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