Zsweet: The Zero Calorie natural sweetener

666777Tim Avila had been trying to develop a zero calorie sweetener using erithrytol, a sugar alcohol, since the past four years. Finally, Avila, chief executive of Ventana Health Inc. in San Clemente, Calif, has come up with Zsweet, which is a zero-calorie diet sweetener, the sales of this sugar commenced this month, online and at health-food stores in five states, across Atlanta. Avila and his partners have invested $1 million as the basic capital to manufacture and market diet smoothies and nutrition bars using Zsweet in the sugar base.

However, this natural diet sweetener might have some hurdles if people are not educated about it properly. This natural diet sweetener is placed against Splenda an artificial sweetener based on Aspartame, on the basis of the former reducing the caloric intake and the latter leading to digestive disorder; it is also compared on the basis of prices, where the former is sold for $7.49 the latter is sold at $15. Inspite of all the criticisms, Zsweet is setting its own image in the market through blogs, having the maximum hits from search engines like Google, offering samples of the sugar outside health-food stores and plans to launch a new line of beverages using Zsweet.

But the zero sweet sweetener is not sweet like artificial sweetener, it has zero aftertaste and unlike its criticism it is easily digestible and is made by natural fermentation and not by hydrogenation. This zero calorie sweetener is sure to be a hit in the market as it is a healthy substitute not only for the dieters but also for the patients suffering from diabetes and cardiac problems.

This is the first natural healthy sweetener and you can order three sample packets, 250g of Zsweet™ granular or Zsweet™ 12 case as per your requirement from the company’s website.

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