7 Benefits of turning Stocks to Gravies

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Pre-cooked gravies at home is undoubtedly better than the ones available in the market. an article points out the importance of pre-cooked gravies concerning saving time, as an economical ingredient and opens to a world
of flavors
. The article gives some benefits of pepping-up frozen stocks to gravies:

1. Make stock with leftover turkey breasts and carved-out bones for a flavorful gravy base.

2. For stews you always have pre-made stocks with shallots, leeks, herbs and seasonings.

3. Pre-made stocks can be thawed anytime before use.

4. Pre-made stocks can be adjusted as per the needs of a recipe.

5. You can have two or three different stocks for a variety of dishes you have in mind.

6. Pre-made stocks are tailormade to be healthy and rich at the same time.

7. Pre-made stocks can be interesting once the ingredients are put into the pot for simmering.

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